1981年7月生,博士,副教授。 |
2009.07~至今在西华大学工作。 |
1999.09-2003.06就读于武汉化工学院材料科学与工程系高分子材料与工程专业,获理学学士学位; 2003.09-2006.06就读于华中科技大学化学与化工学院无机化学专业,获理学硕士学位。 2006.09-2006.06就读于华中科技大学化学与化工学院无机化学专业,获理学博士学位。 |
生物无机化学,天然药物化学 |
一、代表性科研项目: 1.乙型肝炎中的蛋白质硝化及黄芩苷干预作用的研究(12233450),四川省教育厅项目,项目负责人 2.谷胱甘肽硫转移酶酪氨酸硝化修饰规律及对其功能的影响(Z0913307),校重点项目,项目负责人 3.橙皮苷提取与抗氧化活性研究合作开发协议(12233073),企、事业单位委托,项目负责人 二、代表性学术论文: 1.Yan Zhang,Yi Huang, Xiaorong Deng, et al. Iron overload-induced rat liver injury: Involvement of protein tyrosine nitration and the effect of baicalin.European Journal of Pharmacology. 2012, 680: 95-101(SCI收录) 2.Yan Zhang,Shaoling Chen, ling Wang, Xiaorong Tang*.Synthesis and Activity of Novel Fungicide 2-(4-Bromophenyl carbamoyl)phenyl Acetate. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(12): 6550-6552(SCI收录) 3.张燕*, 刘燮洋, 曹俊等. 橙皮苷金属配合物的合成、表征及抗氧化活性研究. 生物物理学报, 2012, 28(增刊): 102 4.张燕*, 刘家琴,高中洪. 薄层等电聚焦-X-射线荧光光谱法测定铁超载小鼠肝中铁含量分布. 化学与生物工程, 2012, 29(2):47-50 5.Yan Zhang,Jiaqin Liu, Zhonghong Gao, Zhihong Xu*. Protective effects of baicalin and quercetin on an iron-overload mouse: Comparision of liver, kidney and heart tissues. Natural Product Research, 2011, 25(12):1150-1160(SCI收录) 6.Yan Zhang,Naihao Lu, Zhonghong Gao*. Hemin-H2O2-NO2- induced protein oxidation and tyrosine nitration is different from that of SIN-1: A study on glutamate dehydrogenase nitrative/oxidative modification.International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2009, 41(4): 907-915(SCI收录) 7.Naihao Lu, Yan Zhang,Hailing Li, Zhonghong Gao*.Oxidative and nitrative modifications of α-enolase in cardiac proteins from diabetic rats. Free radical biology & Medicine, 2010, 48:873-881(SCI收录) 8.Yan Zhang,Bai Li, Chunying Chen*, Zhonghong Gao*. Hepatic distribution of iron, copper, zinc and cadmium-containing proteins in normal and iron overload mice. Biometals. 2009, 22(2): 251-259 (SCI收录) 9.Yan Zhang, Hailing Li, Yuling Zhao, Zhonghong Gao*. Dietary supplementation of baicalin and quercetin attenuates iron overload induced mouse liver injury. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2006, 535(1-3): 263-269(SCI收录) 10.Naihao Lu, Yan Zhang, Zhonghong Gao. Nitrite-glucose-glucose oxidase system directly induces rat heart homogenate oxidation and tyrosine nitration: effects of some flavonoids. Toxicology in Vitro. 2009,23(4): 627-633(SCI收录) 11.Yan Zhang, Zhonghong Gao. Hemin-H2O2-NO2- caused inactivation of glutamate dehydrogenase: role of protein oxidation and tyrosine nitration. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2008, 35(supplement): 365-366 (SCI收录) 三、授权专利: 含三个氮杂环的1,2,3-噻二唑-5-甲脒类新型除草剂(专利号:ZL201510023814.1),第一发明人 |
主要承担《基础化学》、《普通化学》、《无机及分析化学》等课程的教学工作 |