报告题目:Quantitative convergence of ergodic averages associated with group actions on a fixed noncommutative L^p space
报 告 人:刘伟
报告人简介:刘伟,理学博士,现为西南财经大学数学学院讲师。研究方向为向量值和非交换分析,遍历理论。现已在向量值调和分析,经典和非交换遍历理论领域上取得了相关的工作进展,部分工作已发表在 J. Funct. Anal.数学期刊上。
内容简介:In this talk, we will introduce our recent works about quantitative convergence of ergodic averages associated with polynomial volume growth group actions on a fixed noncommutative L^p-space. To achieve our goal, we consider the operator-valued square function inequalities for ball averages on a metric space with non-doubling measure. The latter's establishment involves several new ingredients such as the operator-valued Calder\'on-Zygmund theory for non-doubling measure, BMO theory and some delicate geometric arguments. This is a joint work with Guixiang Hong and Bang Xu.